Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Gym Finder!

Diet and health trends seem to come and go as often at the months of the years. However, the latest information and buzzword for controlling your appetite and managing your weight is called "satiety".

Diet Plan is really easy to use because you do not have to count points or calories. The basic diet plan consist of the Mediterranean and Sonoma Valley, California wine. But before you jump on board to this new diet you make sure it will work for you. It sounds great sitting around eating great fruit and sipping red wine but let's talk about the facts.

Here are 5 tips

1. Fruits and Vegetables
This tip is pretty simple, but one we tend to neglect. And we don't go deep enough.

You need to increase your non-starchy vegetables. This includes basically every vegetable except for corn and peas. Non-starchy and high-fiber vegetables provide fullness quicker and for longer periods of time due to the extra time it takes to digest them. You won't feel hungry twenty minutes after you eat.

2. Protien
Protien should be eaten at every meal. Why? Because your body requires calories to to digest food. Digesting protien requires extra calories to digest. It takes almost four times more calories to burn protien than it does to burn fats and carbs.

To really see this in action, let's do some math. If you eat 100 calories in protien, it takes 25 of those calories to digest it, making your net intake 75 calories.

If you eat 100 calories in carbs, it only takes about 7 calories to digest it, thus making your net intake 93 calories. So, with protien, in the end, you're consuming less calories while burning more calories. And, like vegetables, protien makes you feel fuller, longer.

Some good sources of protien are lean beef, skinless chicken, eggs, skim milk, and beans (also a great source of fiber).

3. Carbs

There's no getting around it. You do need some carbs. Carbs provide energy. Without energy, you'll have a hard time functioning throughout the day. You just need to be sure that you're eating the RIGHT KIND of carbs. If you're eating high amounts of sugar, you'll burn some of it as energy initially, but most of it just gets stored as fat.

What you need to eat are whole grain carbs because they tend to have more fiber, and like tip #2, it takes more calories to digest them and they make you feel fuller, longer.

Whole grain carbs also help control your insulin levels.

4. Healthy Fats

We've been taught for so long that "fat makes you fat," "low-fat is best," It's hard to wrap our minds around the fact that there ARE good fats. And that we need them to lose weight.

They're called Omega3 Fatty Acids. We need them, yet our bodies do not produce them so they need to be taken through the food we eat. Omega3 fatty acids contain disease-fighting antioxidants. They also help with brain functions and other essential processes in your body.

There is extensive reasearch on omega3 fatty acids suggesting benefits such as lowering cholesterol, increasing metabolism, burning up to 400 extra calories a day (when you consume fish oils), reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, and even values pertaining to slowing down effects of Alzheimers Disease.

Good sources of omega3 fatty acids are olive oil, walnuts, and almonds, and fish. If you don't like fish, or nuts, you can easily buy supplements that offer omega3 fatty acids.

5. Eat Small, Frequent Meals

The days of being told to skip meals to lose weight are long gone. It's a fact that to keep your metabolism high, and be burning calories all day long, you need to eat at more frequent intervals. Four times a day is good, but six times a day is best. And with most people's busy schedules, it may seem impossible, but it's really not.

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